INTRODUCTION The good news is that everybody is selling river cruises. The better news is that everyone wants to go on a river cruise! The industry, which only until a few years ago was described as niche, is set to see a robust growth with predictions being that the market in the US will rise at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 18.30% through 2034. There are many advantages to a river cruise. With smaller ships—compared to ocean cruises—the number of guests on board is limited. With the ships regularly docking at city centers, the cruise experience comes with all the pluses of a land vacation—guided tours, local markets to shop at, a glimpse of local history— with none of its disadvantages such as traffic and large crowds. And those are the luxuries that the average river cruise client wants. This Travel Market Report (TMR) River Cruise Outlook 2024 points to the role that advisors can play in guiding their clients towards river cruises in general and also towards the ones that specifically meet their needs. With cruise lines creating itineraries for specific groups—the solo traveler, the wine lover—this is also a call to suppliers to stay in touch with the advisors, your eyes on the ground and the ones who will be able to direct the best client your way.