26% 38% 41% 43% 62% 63% 63% 66% 67% 74% 88% 89% 92% 93% Sold in the past 87% 83% 67% 86% 71% 71% 73% 76% 80% 76% 77% 76% 78% 78% Plan to sell in the next 24 months Couples Seniors Luxury/affluent Empty nesters Solo travelers Leisure groups Reunions Millennials Multi-generational family Nuclear families Affinity/ clubs Students/ Gen Z Incentive/ conference groups Weddings RIVER CRUISE SALES: PAST PERFORMANCE & OUTLOOK BY CLIENT SEGMENTS empty nesters (76%) and those in the luxury/affluent groups (77%), there is a huge interest in selling to affinity groups (86%) and leisure (80%) groups. In the TMR River Cruise Outlook 2022, only 59% of the advisors said that they intended to sell to solo travelers. This share has gone up to 76% in the current Outlook. As solo travel rises, there is also a huge percentage of women wanting to take a vacation by themselves. To cater to this, Uniworld has announced its first women- only voyage in August 2025 9 . Many cruise lines also cater to the solo traveler with either solo cabins or packages tailored to the solo traveler 10 . One advisor added, Advisors are seeing a broad appeal for river cruising and are confident that they can sell to clients across multiple segments. Even as they remain bullish on couples (78%), seniors (78%), My business is now focusing on solo travel opportunities and companies that support solo travelers. 9 Uniworld’s first women-only cruise, starting at $5,000 per person. 10 https://www.travelagewest.com/Travel/River-Cruise/solo-cabins-river-cruise TRENDS IN RIVER CRUISE 2024 CHART 10 | 25