ADVISOR TRAINING: PREFERRED TRAINING PROGRAMS Such is the growing popularity of river cruising that in 2025, 20 new river boats will be launched by seven cruise lines 14 . As new destinations get added to the itinerary and specially curated itineraries are created for niche segments, advisors are looking at suppliers for more product and destination training (74%), ship inspections (64%) and specialized training (45%). One advisor shared: TRAINING NEEDS We have asked ASTA to be able to tour a ship like ACL or Viking when in port nearby. 11% 13% 16% 17% 21% 31% 38% 40% 45% 64% 74% Public relations Training on implementing service fees Mindset, well-being, or personal growth Customer service Travel advisor regulation and legal issues Business building training Social media training General sales/ best practices training Specialization training Ship inspections Product or destination training 14 42 | CHART 23