LETTER FROM THE EDITOR...................................................................... 5 KEY FINDINGS ................................................................................ 6 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................... 8 METHODOLOGY ............................................................................... 9 TRENDS IN RIVER CRUISE 2024 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 TRAINING NEEDS............................................................................. 41 ADVISOR’S PROFILE .......................................................................... 43 AFFILIATION MATTERS ........................................................................ 47 CONCLUSION ............................................................................... 50 TABLE OF CHARTS 1. Do you sell river cruises? Share (%) .......................................................... 12 2. Average length of river cruise, Share (%) ...................................................... 13 3. Top destinations sold for river cruises ........................................................ 14 4. Top European destinations sold for river cruises ................................................ 15 5. Seasonality in river cruise bookings .......................................................... 18 6. Key motivators for taking a river cruise vacation ................................................ 19 7. Clients’ travel preferences for taking a river cruise vacation....................................... 20 8. Top influencers for taking a river cruise vacation ............................................... 21 9. Factors determining clients’ satisfaction for a river cruise vacation................................. 24 10. River cruise sales: Past performance & Outlook by client segments ................................ 25 11. River cruise: products booked ............................................................... 26 12. Statements representing river cruise clients (%) ................................................ 27 13. Clients’ budget for river cruise vacations, Share (%) ............................................. 28 14. Frequency of upselling a follow-up river cruise, Share (%) ........................................ 29 15. Average spend (per person per day) for river cruises, Share (%) ................................... 32 16. Challenges faced in selling river cruise ........................................................ 33 17. Lead generation channels for advisors ........................................................ 34 18. Modes of communication used by advisors .................................................... 35 19. Messaging apps used by advisors ............................................................ 38 20. Top selling river cruise line brands, 2024 (%) ................................................... 39 21. Supplier support to enable higher river cruise sales ............................................. 40 22. Advisor training: Preference by formats ....................................................... 41 23. Advisor training: Preferred training programs .................................................. 42 24. Business classification, Share (%) ............................................................ 43 25. Agency/advisor position, Share (%)........................................................... 43 26. Annual gross sales by business type, years in business & advisor age, Share (%) .................... 44 27. Anticipated change in annual gross sales, 2024 vs. 2023, Share (%) ................................ 45 28. Years of travel sales experience, Share (%) .................................................... 46 29. Trade association affiliation, U.S. advisors (%) ................................................. 47 30. Trade association affiliation, Canadian advisors (%) ............................................. 47 31. Agency/advisors affiliation — U.S. (%) ........................................................ 48 32. Agency/advisors affiliation — Canada (%) ..................................................... 48 TABLE OF CONTENTS