SUPPLIER SUPPORT TO ENABLE HIGHER RIVER CRUISE SALES FAM trips or personal cruise experiences continue to be the most in-demand supplier support for eight out of 10 advisors. Advisors also said that they would benefit from more training programs (44%) and commissions on NCFs (43%). Call center operations have been improving in the last few years and we expect them to improve more in the next Outlook. 19% 19% 21% 22% 24% 31% 31% 35% 36% 36% 37% 43% 44% 81% Dedicated articles and stories in media More efficient group policies and procedures Post/ video/ reels/ influencers on various social media Improved call center operations Expedited payment of commissions Effective co-operative marketing promotions Clear communication on all policies Higher commissions/ Better performance-linked bonus structure Improved booking tools Stronger BDM support Better supplier pricing Commission on non-commissionable fees (NCF) Training programs Fam trip or personal cruise experience TRENDS IN RIVER CRUISE 2024 40 | CHART 21