17% 38% 41% 45% 48% 54% 59% 59% 60% 63% 64% 69% 82% Flexibility in itinerary Size of cabin River cruise supplier product knowledge Customer support Onboard amenities River cruise supplier relationship All-inclusive price Activities Quality of ship Service level of staff Value for money Quality of food & wine Itinerary FACTORS DETERMINING CLIENTS’ SATISFACTION FOR A RIVER CRUISE VACATION A cruise’s itinerary is the leading factor determining a client’s satisfaction with the river cruise vacation, said 82% of the advisors. Other key aspects are the quality of food and drinks and the quality of service provided by the staff, at 69% and 63% respectively. One advisor gave feedback about the itinerary, “Clients push back about having to get up so early to enjoy the included/optional excursions. They want to relax and enjoy the scenery (even if docked) and not be rushed.” Another advisor shared: They should have a dine around plan for the port for lunch, and docents in the main square and near the docks, to show people how to get back to the ship on their own, so that they feel comfortable to see some of the town on their own. I really feel bad for the ports that are so overrun with river passengers and no one has any time to visit any of the shops or bars or bakeries. TRENDS IN RIVER CRUISE 2024 24 | CHART 9