ADVISOR TRAINING: PREFERENCE BY FORMATS FAM trips (90%) are always a popular training method as they help advisors understand more about the river cruise experience and therefore, sell it to their clients. Like FAM trips, the demand for virtual training too has seen a small rise since the previous TMR River Cruise Outlook, with seven out of 10 advisors saying they like this format. One advisor, reflecting on the growth sentiment said, TRAINING NEEDS 13% 21% 36% 65% 72% 90% 4+ days offsite training 2-3 days offsite training One-day offsite training In-person conference or trade-show Virtual training Fam trip The more we know about a product, the better we can present it to the client. FAMs, meetings with marketing reps, videos, zoom training… all are good ways to educate us. CHART 22 | 41