LEAD GENERATION CHANNELS FOR ADVISORS Word of mouth referrals continue to be the top lead-generation source for advisors. With river cruising having gone mainstream and advisors looking at multiple client segments, the need for an advisor’s personal niche has reduced from 54% in 2023 to 21% in the current Outlook. Over the last few years, we have seen the steady rise of social media as a lead generation channel for river cruising. Nearly four out of 10 advisors said that they now see social media as a lead generation avenue. The world is getting more digital and reliant on social media for decision making. With river cruise clientele expanding to a younger demographic, it is important that advisors utilize social media to increase their sales. 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Church group TV/Radio marketing Private organizations/clubs Lead/referrals from partner group Print advertising Consumer events Leads/referrals from host agency/consortia Digital marketing Social media Advisor’s niche or specialization Current/past clientele Word of mouth/referrals 2023 2024 TRENDS IN RIVER CRUISE 2024 34 | CHART 17