“It becomes difficult to take time off work for train- ing sessions when we are seeing a huge inflow of bookings. At the same time, I feel a digital fatigue after attending a lot of these sessions online in the past couple of years,” said an advisor. He added that he would like shorter in-person events and on-de- mand virtual sessions to attend at his own pace. The preferred training programs of the advisors include product or destination training, specializa- tion training, social media training and business building training. Besides getting familiarized with the product they are offering; most advisors say they would like to become more tech-savvy and utilize tools like digital marketing and social media as means of lead generation. Most advisors agreed that nothing can provide them a better understanding of the product than a familiarization trip. One thing that was demanded by advisors included cultural training, to be able to better serve multicultural customers and their needs better. THE TRAINING NEEDS CHART 30 | 45 PREFERRED TRAINING PROGRAMS 74% 53% 48% 44% 44% 30% 22% 18% 17% Product or destination training Specialization training Social media training Business building training Travel advisor regulation and legal issues Training on implementing service fees Mindset, well-being, or personal growth Customer service Public relations