Travel Market Report’s
Group Outlook 2022

Everyone wants to travel right now—and bring all their favorite people! With pent-up demand
never higher, now’s the time to take your groups from Good2Great. ALG Vacations
makes it easy.
More Hands on Deck
We’ve ramped up our staffing, with every
new member of our team fully trained
to manage your all your group needs.
More Time Saved
Our Group Service Request Form means
solutions faster. Use it and you’ll be routed
directly to one of our expert group specialists.
More Familiarity
From your very first contracted group, you’ll work
with the same core team (“pod”) of eight to ten
fully trained service members, lettings us get to
know your unique needs better, sooner.
More Tools & Technology
Our groups dashboard in VAX gives you
immediate access to your group’s inventory,
payments, bookings, and commissions.
In other words: no complicated calculations!
Consistently stronger turnaround time for
quotes and changes. In-depth staff training and
passion for what we do. The knowledge—and
ability—to guide you through every step of the
process. Together with your support, we’re
achieving Great group vacations.
And they’ll only keep getting better.
Get your groups going today at