ANNUAL SALES GROWTH, 2023 VS. 2022, SHARE (%) The global river cruise market is set to increase to $1.7 billion by 2023, from $1.45 billion in 2022. This growth in the market size could be attributed to building of new ships, high-quality content onboard and the expansion of rivers 16 . The growth can also be attributed to supply- demand dynamics driven by a new consumer cohort and younger blood joining the fold on the advisor side. While last year was a robust year in the U.S., the Canadian market which opened later took some time in recovery. And the optimism from both U.S. and Canadian advisors is high. Six in 10 advisors expect an increase of a minimum of 20% in 2023 sales. 38 | CHART 21 Up 100% or more Up 50-99% Up 20-49% Up 1-19% No change Down 1-20% Down 21% or more 1% 9% 18% 35% 22% 12% 3% ADVISOR PROFILE 16,period%20(2022%20to%202032)