Word of mouth (85%) remains the top channel for lead generation, along with help from current/ past clientele. Social media and digital marketing channels remain important lead generation sources. This has special significance with a younger breed of advisors and also a younger demographic of clients coming in. It’s interesting that more referrals have come in this time from host agencies or consortia (20%), compared to 2022. And, while the number is not significant, reference from church groups (5%) does point the way towards affinity groups. LEAD GENERATION CHANNELS FOR ADVISORS 30 | CHART 13 TRENDS IN THE RIVER CRUISE SEGMENT Word of mouth/referrals Current/past clientele Advisor’s personal experience, specialization Social media Digital marketing Leads/referrals from host agency/consortia Consumer events Print advertising Lead/referrals from partner group Private organizations/clubs TV/Radio marketing Church group 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 2022 2023