The Luxury Cruise Travel Outlook 2022 revealed the growing trend of entrepreneurship within the travel advisor community. Thirty three percent (33%) of the respondents were owners/managers of their agencies while 52% were independent contractors. There has been a huge rise in the number of independent contractors (ICs), in particular. In TMR’s Distribution Outlook 2021, ICs formed 38% of all advisors in 2021. By early 2022, more than half of travel advisors were working independently 2 . While the pandemic and the subsequent job losses may account for some of this increase in the number of independent contractors, the trend started a couple of years before the pandemic. At that time, many of those venturing into the travel landscape were part-timers or retirees who preferred working with host agencies. For a majority of them, the income generated through this work either supplemented their earnings or compensated for loss of employment. The ability to work on their own terms, flexible schedules and an inherent interest in travel also contributed to the influx of new ICs. 8 | CHART 1 Travel Agency Owner/Manager Travel Advisor – Independent Contractor Travel Advisor – Employee ADVISORS BY TYPE ADVISOR DEMOGRAPHICS 33% 14% 52% 2
In total, 76% of the respondents were from the US and 21% were from Canada. Among the Americans, the highest representation was from Florida, California, New York and Texas, while the highest number of Canadian advi- sors were from Ontario, followed by British Columbia and Alberta. The new normal of remote or home-based work in the post-pandemic world has made its way into the travel industry, as well. Of the total respondents, the number of retail travel agencies working out of a traditional brick and mortar storefront is 24%, a small drop from 2021’s 29%. A similar drop was observed in the number of retail travel agencies without a storefront as well – from 31% in 2021 to 24% in 2022. The number of independent contractors working with a host grew from last year’s 29% to 44%. The share of independent contractors working on their own fell marginally from 10% in the previous year to 8%. This further consol- idates the belief that more advisors now want to work on their own terms and time like any other business owner/entrepreneur. CHART 2 | 9 BUSINESS CLASSIFICATION ADVISOR DEMOGRAPHICS 24% 24% 44% 8% Retail travel agency with a storefront location Retail travel agency, non-storefront such as home-based agency Independent contractor/advisor working with a host Independent contractor/advisor working on own