CHART 8 | 15 Most of the advisors (92%) said they were affiliated with either a consortium, a host or a franchise. The percentage of unaffili- ated advisors has gone down from 12% in 2021 to 8% in 2022. Forty-six percent of the advisors were affiliated with consortia or marketing groups, 35% were affiliated with a host agency, and 11% with a franchise. The benefits of such memberships as expressed by the advisors include having access to industry knowledge and updates, the chance to get higher commissions, access to more travel providers and increased credibility. Many members felt that these associations were also helpful in lobbying for their causes to the federal administration. An advisor shares: AFFILIATIONS MATTER AGENCY AFFILIATION BY TYPE 8% 11% 46% 35% Affiliated with consortium or a marketing group Affiliated with a host agency Affiliated with a franchise Unaffiliated Extremely beneficial to belong to ASTA and CLIA due to how they represent us in DC