Fam trip or personal cruise experience Training programs Improved call center operations Improved booking tools Stronger BDM support Better supplier pricing Better commissions/more profitable Clear communication on all policies Effective co-operative marketing promotions Dedicated articles and stories in media Lead time to access inventory Faster payment reconciliation Better performance-linked bonus structure Post/video/reels/influencers on various social media SUPPLIER SUPPORT TO ENABLE HIGHER SALES OF LUXURY CRUISE VACATIONS 76% 46% 43% 37% 35% 34% 33% 29% 27% 18% 17% 16% 10% 9% Lately call centers are manned by unexperienced, untrained new agents which lead to long phone holds and wrong information given. This reflects badly on the vendor’s image. Some advisors feel that they don’t have enough support from the suppliers to sell as many luxury cruise vacations as they can. Fam or familiarization trips rank the highest (76%) among ways to support them. After all, they can describe and upsell the product better if they have experienced it firsthand. Training programs (46%) and improved call center operations (43%) also rank high on this list. An advisor shares: BRAND PERCEPTION IN LUXURY CRUISE CHART 22 | 31