Dear Travel Advisor,
The luxury cruise industry has long been one of the most profitable segments for
travel advisors. Not only is it the highest selling segment among repeat cruisers, but
it’s all-inclusive offerings and higher fares mean that advisors can secure healthy
commissions by specializing in the segment. It’s a highly sought-after segment for
advisors and one that is very important to so many major agencies in North America.
With how crucial it is, the TMR team put together this Luxury Cruise Travel Outlook,
the goal of which is to provide you with the information and data you need to either
improve your luxury cruise sales, or first break into the market.
We surveyed 700 travel advisors from different regions, different hosts, and different
consortium to get a comprehensive look into the industry. Their answers and insights
are available on the following pages.
We hope you find the information, including the biggest hesitancy factors in clients,
the most popular destinations, and the biggest motivators for clients, useful.
Knowing what is going on in the market is crucial to succeeding as a luxury cruise
specialist, and our aim with this report is to inform you on just that.
We want to thank you in advance for all of your support; including the travel advisors
who helped us put together this report by answering our questions. It is always our
pleasure to be able to provide you with what you need to help build your bookings
and boost your business. We know how lucky we are to be able to have advisors as
our audience, and we strive to serve you every day.
Daniel McCarthy