TYPICAL CHALLENGES FACED IN RECOMMENDING LUXURY CRUISE VACATIONS Total cost of the vacation is too high for clients Supplier itinerary/schedule did not match client’s vacation time/preferences Available inventory does not match client needs Clients are not interested in luxury cruises Clients not interested in cruising Managing client requirements/expectations is time-consuming I do not have the expertise in selling luxury cruises Not enough support from suppliers I don’t have the right point of contact with the supplier I do not know the right suppliers I am unaware of new products/brands 62% 43% 35% 23% 23% 16% 16% 10% 9% 6% 6% The perception that luxury cruise lines are expensive is the biggest hurdle for advisors, with 62% of the advisors citing the total cost of the vacation being too high for their clients. Another big problem is the unavailability of the right destination or unsuitable schedule (43%). This is an especially difficult choice for clients who like flexibility and the scope to make spontaneous plans during their vaca- tions. COVID-19 brought about an additional fear – that of being stuck aboard the ship due to quarantine rules. BRAND PERCEPTION IN LUXURY CRUISE 30 | CHART 21