IATAN CLIA ASTA ACTA TRADE ASSOCIATION AFFILIATION, U.S. AGENCIES 76% 62% 42% 1% 18 | CHART 9 AFFILIATIONS MATTER In terms of the distribution of trade association memberships, the national-level associations ASTA and ACTA continued to find favor with advisors; 42% of the American advisors were members of ASTA, while 60% of the Canadian advisors were affiliated with ACTA. Most of the advisors were associated with multiple trade bodies. For instance, 62% of the American advisors and 43% of the Canadian advisors are members of Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA), 76% of the American respondents were a part of the International Association of Travel Agents Network (IATAN) and 89% of the Canadian respondents were affiliated with International Air Transport Association (IATA).
IATA ACTA CLIA ASTA TRADE ASSOCIATION AFFILIATION, CANADIAN ADVISORS 89% 60% 43% 3% AFFILIATIONS MATTER Benefits such as access to more travel providers, having a platform to address common concerns, industry discounts and access to the latest information about the industry were cited by advisors who were a part of these trade bodies. “ASTA is the only organization that advocated for the agents,” said one. Another was happy about the way ASTA had represented the advisors throughout the pandemic in front of governmental agencies. Being able to attend training and networking events was also cited as a trade membership benefit. | 19 CHART 10 | 19