Mark Zuckerberg via Facebook launched a new
media platform where you didn’t need to have
a big ad budget or expensive PR firm to get
your name out there, while YouTube enabled
everyone to become the star of their own videos,
and Instagram provided a free platform to post
beautiful travel photography only previously
seen in glossy magazines.
With nearly 2.5 billion social media users online,
travel agency owners and individual advisors
have recognized the opportunities to cost-
effectively use these platforms to compete for
customers beyond their localities, while building
their brands, positioning themselves as experts
and enhancing relationships and business with
current patrons.
In this landmark survey, close to 1,000 readers
of Travel Market Report responded to an online
questionnaire via SurveyMonkey.
When Steve Jobs created the smartphone, he built a platform for travel advisors that cut the
cord that for more than 30 years tethered them to those CRTs with blinking green screens.
At the same time search engines such as Google were bringing a world of information to
the fingertips of consumers in mere seconds – too much information to be useful. Search for
“travel” on Google and you will get 4.9 billion results. Even a more targeted search for “Los
Cabos luxury hotels” brings back 6.3 million results while “Best Caribbean cruises” brings
back 181 million options!