AA Sells First Class NY to FL for $470
In what appears to be glitch in the AA system, first-class flights from La Guardia to Ft. Myers and Tampa, FL, are bookable right now for under $470 round-trip, while the Choice seats, the coach seats, are going for $987.
The DOT’s Mistaken Enforcement Policy Regarding Mistaken Fares, issued in May, states that airlines cannot “increase the price of air transportation after a purchase has occurred,” and defines a “purchase” as the customer receiving a confirmation and a charge on his or her credit card and/or online account summary.
In the past, “the Enforcement Office has generally enforced the post purchase price prohibition rule and required airlines to honor mistaken fares.” But the ruling is now under appeal by the airlines, and until a final ruling, DOT will not take action against an airline that cancels such tickets.
Update: An American Airlines spokesperson told TMR the fare was not a glitch and that occasionally, when coach sells out faster than First Class, the fare buckets get nudged around a bit.
Airline Pic: BriYYZ