Ivanka Trump Hints at More Affordable Hotel Brands to Come
Ivanka Trump today told TMR that the Trump Hotels Collection is considering new (and presumably more affordable) brands that might appeal to Millennials and extend its reach into new and smaller markets.
Ms. Trump, an executive vice president of both the Trump Organization and the Trump Hotels Collection, today told TMR that the new brands will in no way “dilute” the core Trump brand, just as the more affordable lines in her jewelry collection do not dilute that core brand.
Trump Hotels two months ago named Eric Danziger, a longtime hotelier known for creating new brands, as its CEO. The Trump Hotel Collection operates 10 luxury hotels in major cities including New York, Chicago, Washington, and Miami, and has four more slated to open in 2016, including Vancouver, Rio de Janeiro, and Baku, Azerbaijan.
At the time of Danziger’s hire, Ms. Trump told the Wall Street Journal that the company was in talks to add many locations, and close to closing deals in about 10. Her father, Donald Trump, is the leading Republican candidate for President of the United States.
–Harvey Chipkin
Pic: SeedsofPeace