TMR’s Travel Market Place Returns to Toronto in November
by Travel Market Report
Travel Market report and the Association of Canadian Travel Agents are thrilled to announce the seventh annual Travel Market Place East conference in Toronto on November 30 – December 1, 2021 at the Delta Toronto Airport Hotel and Conference Center.
Learn from Industry Experts on topics that include Service Fees, Travel Insurance, Social Media, and many more; re-energize by meeting with Suppliers in our exhibit area to hear about their latest offers and incentives; get inspired by networking with your fellow advisors to celebrate the re-opening of travel, and new this year, we are introducing 1 on 1 meetings that give the ability for top advisors to meet with suppliers for more in depth discussion.
“At our 7th annual Travel Market Place conference we look forward to bringing the industry together face to face in a safe environment for learning, sharing and networking,” said Anne Marie Moebes, publisher of Travel Market Report.
“We are really looking forward to this year’s Travel Market Place and especially to be once again networking with Industry leaders, Travel Agents and Travel Suppliers, “ said Wendy Paradis, ACTA President. “The travel industry has been through tremendous upheaval and this will be a great opportunity to learn about new tools and develop some new skills that will help us re-build. ACTA is pleased to partner on this event with Travel Market Place in 2021.”
This serves as the official Save the Date announcement for Travel Market Place East, taking place November 30 – December 1, 2021. For more information on Travel Market Place East click here.
ACTA agents can attend for just $99 and non-ACTA agents are welcome for a fee of $129. Both rates include trade show admittance, access to educational and networking opportunities and most conference meals and event functions.
We are working with our event partners to ensure that we can deliver an event that is both meaningful and safe. Our decision to host a live, in person event is based on our firm belief that it’s in the best interest of the agency community and our industry to hold important conversations about the future of business in person. We hold the health and safety of our attendees as our top priority and will be taking the necessary steps to ensure we are following all guidelines set by the World Health Organization as well as the local government.