Craig Pavlus Steps Down as President of Pavlus Travel, Shelby Steudle Takes Over
by Daniel McCarthy
Photo: Shelly Steudle
Craig Pavlus, the namesake and longtime president of Albuquerque, N.M.’s Pavlus Travel, is stepping down as president of the agency, with Shelby Steudle taking over.
Pavlus made the announcement on Tuesday, writing that he would continue as the agency’s CEO, focusing on the agency’s expansion into more luxury travel initiatives, while Steudle takes over as the day-to-day lead for the agency.
“After more than two decades of service to Pavlus Travel, Shelby Steudle is highly deserving of this promotion and I’m looking forward to her helping me lead the agency strategically as well as focusing on day-to-day agency operations,” Pavlus said.
“While I’ll continue to be involved in the agency, the goal is to allow me to spend more time on developing new luxury travel initiatives that both enhance our revenue streams and also benefit our valued clients,” he added.
Steudle, a 24-year veteran of Pavlus travel, most recently served as the agency’s vice president of consumer marketing. Her past experience also includes corporative management, cruise sales, airline sales, accounting, and more. She is also credited with helping to lead Pavlus Travel’s expansion via a travel agency referral program.
“Having well-established relationships with many high-level travel industry executives, I look forward to leading Pavlus Travel into the future and growing our business substantially,” said Steudle.
“I am so proud of our team’s many accomplishments and humbled to be moving into this new position of president,” Steudle said. “I look forward to what’s ahead as we strive day in and day out to create incredible, memory-making vacation experiences for our clients.”