Lindblad Expeditions Unveils New Itineraries to Replace Voyages Impacted by Ukraine Invasion
by Dori Saltzman
Photo courtesy of Lindblad Expeditions.
Lindblad has unveiled five new voyages to replace the itineraries that were impacted when Russia invaded Ukraine. The sailings range from cruises into the upper reaches of the Arctic to those that extend deep into Alaska or take in the beauty of coastal Japan.
“To the hundreds of guests whose trips have been impacted, we are grateful for your understanding as we have worked to develop alternative itineraries that offer compelling opportunities for the authentic and immersive exploration you expect from us,” said Dolf Berle, president and CEO of Lindblad Expeditions in a letter sent to guests on cancelled sailings.
Epic Costal Alaska (National Geographic Orion): Lindblad is offering two sailings of this 15-day voyage that Lindblad refers to as the “most epic coastal Alaska expedition ever.” Highlights include Yakutat and Disenchantment Bays, Hubbard Glacier, and Prince William Sound. June 12 and 26, 2022.
Extraordinary Alaska: Misty Fjords to the Hubbard Glacier (National Geographic Orion): Lindblad will sail five of these 11-day voyages through Alaska’s inside passage. Highlights include: Misty Fjords, Alexander Archipelago, Yakutat Bay and Hubbard Glacier. July 11, 21, 31 and August 10 and 20, 2022.
Iceland’s Wild West Coast to East Greenland (National Geographic Endurance): This 13-day voyage provides an active exploration of Iceland’s Westfjord region as guests follow in the wake of the 10th century Viking explorers who first visited the area. July 2, 2022.
A Journey from Nome to Tokyo: Ring of Fire to Ainu Culture (National Geographic Resolution): Follow the “Ring of Fire” from Alaska’s Aleutian Islands to the island of Hokkaido in Japan on this 20-day sailing. August 7, 2022.
Coastal Japan: Imperial Dynasties and Modern Culture (National Geographic Resolution): Trace the shores of Honshu and the islands of the Seto Inland Sea, and stop in South Korea to explore the ancient city of Gyeongju on this 16-day itinerary. August 29, 2022.
Extra Discount
Cruisers booking a cabin on select 2022 departures of the new sailings, whether they were on a cancelled sailing or not, can take advantage of a 25% discount if booked by June 30.