Video Contest: It Is Easy and You Can Earn a Free Registration to the Travel MarketPlace Conference
Without a Travel Agent You’re on Your Own!
Video Contest: It is Easy and You Can Earn a Free Registration to the
Travel MarketPlace Conference May 2-3, 2016
Imagine if the travel agency community had millions of dollars for an ad campaign. Travel agents could then compete with OTAs and other heavily invested companies to be in the mass media and get the attention of consumers! After all, travel agents provide a much-needed service to the traveling public.
Unfortunately, we may not have millions of dollars but we are CREATIVE, ingenious and resourceful! That’s why Travel Market Report, ASTA and ACTA are embarking on a video contest campaign to find the most talented and creative agents who want to help spread the message.
Outline of Contest
We are looking for creative videos that reflect the theme:
“Without a Travel Agent You’re on Your Own.”
Submissions can be serious or humorous, but should be thoughtful, creative and original while conforming to a two minute maximum time limit.
Below are a few concepts to get you started. We have also included a few articles from Travel Market Report you may find inspirational. Please do not submit a commercial for your agency.
- When you book travel on your own you are responsible to know every detail and loop hole
- Don’t substitute an expert for “click here”
- Don’t risk your dream vacation with an online booking service
- Articles for inspiration:
You can do it, interview a client, a co-worker or even a ‘man on the street,’–just aim your cellphone and tell your customers why they need a travel agent!
Why Participate?
- Free registration: Qualified videos will receive one free registration to Travel MarketPlace, May 2-3, 2016, Sheraton Centre downtown Toronto. Click here to register for Travel MarketPlace. If you submit a video and it is qualified your rate will be adjusted.
- Prizes: There will be two winners
- First place: A cruise from Norwegian Cruise Line
- Second place: Big Bark personalized promotional materials in addition to $1,000CAD printing services.
- Promote your agency:
- The winners will be announced and the videos shown at the Travel MarketPlace conference, in the Travel Market Report newsletter and posted to the Travel Market Report website.
- Post your video to your own website and social media outlets to support your marketing efforts
- Community recognition: Contest winners will be announced in a press release to local media.
All entries are due by April 15, 2016. Entries should be emailed to Louis Intreglia, Click here for the detailed guidelines and specifications.
Judges: The judges include Cheryl Rosen, Editor, Travel Market Report, a member of the Travel Market Report Advisory Board and members of the ASTA and ACTA staff.
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